Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day

Fathers Day has been somewhat of a hard day for me since I lost my own sweet father in 2003. No one can replace him or the role he played in my life.  But for the past 3 years now, this day hasn't been so sad.  And this year, for the first time, as I watched the joy on my children's faces as they ran around the backyard with Matilda, I didn't feel so fatherless.  Dad is here, in my son's pout and my daughter's giggle, and my husband is an incredible man that has all the amazing qualities of my daddy.  He is to my children who my father was to me. There is no greater blessing than that.

Dear children, 
May you always know the joy of your father's laughter, love, and devotion in your daily lives. 
He is a uniquely spectacular man.

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